Funding Success Stories (Westminster): Society Unlimited

The event took place over a six week period at the end of last year. The workshop sessions were attended by 20 volunteers who constructed a piece of drama to highlight the impact of addiction on communities.The final performance piece took place at the Beethoven Centre in Queens Park and was attended by 100 members of the local community.

This was such a great project. We knew it would be a big challenge to put on a performance with no prior experience and such little time, but thanks to amazing team work and having Will as such a wonderful lead we proudly made it happen. The workshops started with Will giving us simple games to play so we could get to know each other and understand basic “improv” acting. Will then arranged an addiction workshop with Martyn who was fantastic and gave everyone such a deep understanding of how addiction really can affect anyone. He then guided us to co-create performances and scripts. Then, on the last week we were given the full script and worked really hard together and pulled off a great first performance.

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